Friday 8 April 2016

Bucket List: Faroe Islands

Do the Faroe Islands exist? I'm still not sure. The Faroe Islands are archipelago in Norwegian Sea and North Atlantic Sea. Between Iceland and Norway, for you and me. The country only has 48,000 people, being on an island that's
considered small, the Faroe Islands must be tiny. The islands are a country within the Kingdom of Denmark (Yes, Denmark has a Kingdom. Who knew). But be warned, the Faroe Islands has a "Subpolar Oceanic Climate" so, I'd bring a jacket and maybe a scarf cause it's cold and rainy!
Quick History Lesson: Once upon a time, the Faroe Islands belonged to the Kingdom of Norway (Yes, that has a Kingdom also). In the 1800's, a treaty was made to give control of Iceland, Greenland and Faroe Islands. And since then, the Faroese have control over some domestic matters but bigger political matters remain with the Danish government. 
During World War II, British troops actually invaded the Faroe Islands, as Germany invaded Denmark, which strengthened their North Atlantic control. In recent years, the Faroe Islands have been trying to gain independence.

Reasons to go to the Faroe Islands:

  • The Scenery: Being a selection of Islands, the Faroe Islands have beautiful views. A friend from the Faroe Islands has said the her view in the morning is actually a reason to love Mondays. Hillwalking and hiking would be a really cool thing to do, obviously covered up because you
    wouldn't be long getting frostbit. If hiking in the Mykines, you will come across a lot of Puffins, which would be a really good reason to visit also. Those little things are so cute, even though I have a fear of birds...
  • Fresh Stuff: In the Faroe Islands, one of the biggest professions is Fishing. A main traditional diet in the country is either fish, whale or fermented lamb. Today in the Faroe Islands, you'll see a fresher take on some Scandinavian dishes but also innovative ways too cook. Here, local and visiting chefs practice foraging for their ingredients. Also, going by what some people from the Faroe Islands say, they get the biggest catches. 
  • Music: Although not the first thing that comes to mind, the Faroe Islands has a very active and unique music scene. With it's own symphony orchestra and it's own concerts, the Faroes have a thriving music scene and a proficiency for live music.
  • Fishing: With different Islands in the archipelago, I'd say fishing would be a pretty cool experience to go fishing and see different Islands in the distance. As long as I don't see whale killing or anything, I'd be okay. A relaxing time in the cold would be nice and therapeutic. 
  • Undiscovered Areas: I'm sure due to it's climate and not many people considering it as a tourist attraction that there are many areas of the Faroe Islands that are yet to be discovered. It would be cool to hike through and take boats between the different islands and see what others haven't and trek through undiscovered parts.
*Pic Credit:,
What Do You Guys Think Of The Faroe Islands? Have you been there or would like to go?
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