Friday 9 December 2016

Social Media Update

Hey guys! Just a quick little post!
As some of you may know, I use my social media a lot to promote my posts, put a picture to my posts and try and get readers from everywhere. I'm a big fan of Instagram because I may post pictures about a post that may not be in the post itself, it can connect to the right people with hashtags and you can see what they're doing. I also like Twitter because you can directly link someone to whatever you want, which is what I do with my newest blogposts. You can link Instagram up with twitter also. Another great form of social media marketing is definitely snapchat. It's instant. It's quick. You can take pictures right now and tell people what you want them to know. 
One form of social media that I haven't quite utilized yet is Facebook. Sure I post a new blog post on it, but up until now, I haven't done too much with my Facebook for my blog. As of today however, I've decided it was time to create a Facebook Page for my blog. So, I give to you:

My Facebook will have the links to my latest blog posts. Updates on blogs that you should see. You can leave suggestions, comment, like, share! I thought it would be a great Christmas present for The Poor Student Traveller but also a great opportunity for people to connect with me there!
So lately I've been slacking a bit with my posting! I've been knee deep sludging through the torments of university and adult responsibilities of living in Spain alone, but it's manageable. So far, I've written ideas for posts and have some drafts that need editing before posting! But be sure to see something in the next little while and be sure you'll be getting more content coming into the New Year!
As always guys, read, like, share and enjoy the posts that are out there and be sure to like and share my new Facebook Page!
Or find me on:
Insta: DavidCandykeane
Twitter: Davidko49